Hey Guys,

I am creating Oracle URLs for Database Connections in my Mashzone environment but I need to enter the Oracle details every time I try to connect to a DB. It looks like this is built into the app as a security feature. I figured I'd post anyway and see if there is a way to pass the Oracle credentials so we don't have to auth every time. I know on the Database Connections config page there is a place to set Optional parameters but I haven't found anything on a parameter to pass credentials. Looking I found that it is possible to structure the Oracle url like jdbc:oracle:<driver>:<username>/<password>@<server>:<port>:<SID> but it still asks for a user name and password.




by Helmut Barro
Posted on Mon, 07/29/2013 - 08:08

I'm not sure what you mean by "entering the Oracle details every time". You should have to enter them only once, when creating the datafeed, and they will be stored and used for every subsequent access.

Could you elaborate on your problem?

by Helmut Barro
Posted on Tue, 07/30/2013 - 13:15

If by "every time" you mean that you have to enter credentials for each Database Source operator, you actually could go for the URL approach, in connection with the "no authentication" option for a source operator.

But please note that user and password are stored without encryption here and everybody can see them.

In MashZone 9, you have the possibility of specifying user and password for a database connection already in its alias definition, which will be used for all source operators later on using this connection.

by David Grina Author
Posted on Mon, 08/05/2013 - 17:54

Hey Helmut,

Sorry about the late reply on this one. Not needing to enter the credentails each time on the Data Source was exactly what I was getting at. That worked for me perfectly too. It's good to know that we can do this for the future. 




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