I'm interested in knowing ARIS capabilities regarding to data modeling.
Can someone confirm if it has functionalities for:
- Generate DDL scripts to implement a data model
- Capture an existing physical data model from a database or from DDL script to get it into ARIS
- Compare two data models in ARIS, database, or both
- Provide physical implementation details for different databases, for example storage details for Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc.
- Domain definition: to allow logically name a column data type to reuse it and isolate it from its physical implementation
- Generate DDL scripts to implement a data model
No, not out of the box.
- Capture an existing physical data model from a database or from DDL script to get it into ARIS
No, not out of the box.
- Compare two data models in ARIS, database, or both
Inside ARIS: yes
Inside a database: No, not out of the box.
- Provide physical implementation details for different databases, for example storage details for Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc.
You may realize this with custom attributes you define yourself. But there are no standard attribute types for this purpose.
- Domain definition: to allow logically name a column data type to reuse it and isolate it from its physical implementation
There are object types you can use for that purpose: Entity type, Enumeration, Enumeration occurrence.
ARIS generally is used for business information models, solution design models. It also has object types for tables and attributes. So you can model down to the physical level. But there is no specific support for certain database vendors' physical models.
ARIS also comes with the UML Designer client and a UML 2.5 profile (separate license for UML designer needed), if that is of any help to you.
As to "No, not out of the box": ARIS is fully programmable in JavaScript and with that you can have access to Java classes as well. But I suppose you are looking for a tool you don't want to develop yourself.