Hi All,

I'm very new to ARIS as you have probably gathered from the title.

I need to extract the process model names and GUID from all the process models in the database, and export it in to something like xls or txt. The name is not really the problem, it's the GUID that I can't realy get in to the output file.

I've wasted a lot of time trying to find out for myself but now I have to give up.

Can somebody give me a hand with this extraction?

Thank you



by Jens Heylmann
Posted on Fri, 06/15/2012 - 16:55

Hi David,

this could be done by ARIS report scripting. You could write your report script or use the report designer. 



by david butt Author
Posted on Mon, 06/18/2012 - 10:03

Hi Jens,

Thanks for response this gives me a direction but does not show me how to get there. As I mentioned in my first post I'm a real newbie to the tool and I would appreciate it if you could explain  how to start the ARIS report scripting or how to start the report designer, I will try to find my way from there. As you can see by my questions I have to start from scratch.

Thank you for your support.


by Jens Heylmann
Posted on Mon, 06/18/2012 - 11:37

Hello David,

please create a new report and use "script template" to start the report designer:



by david butt Author
Posted on Mon, 06/18/2012 - 13:30

In reply to by dtse

Hi Jens,

Thanks that has helped quite a bit. Could you tell me where is model GUID, and model Name so I can include it in the report?




by Julian Keates
Posted on Tue, 11/13/2012 - 14:32

insert a table - and then insert a data field in the table - the data field will allow you to select the relevant attribute such as ObjectName or ModelName or ModelGUID etc


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