Currently, our users are using only the ARIS 9.7 thick client. I'd like to use the ARIS 9.8 thin client in the upgrade. I haven't been able to get the download to work. The ARIS Server Installation and Administration Guide lists prerequisites to download ARIS clients automatically using the ARIS Downloader on page 202. Here's my question, the prerequisite "The file extension .JAR is assigned to the JRE on the user's computer." The JRE in my computer is an .exe file not a .jar. Is there a .jar version of the JRE I'm not aware of????
8 Replies
Dear Dave,
What ARIS users sometimes call "thin client" is the browser based ARIS Connect Designer, while "thick client" equals ARIS Architect/ARIS Designer. Latter one is either installed by setup or downloaded from an ARIS Design/Connect Server, hence, "think"=downloading 190 MB.
The the installation you guide you refer to provides the option to download the ARIS clients via a JAR file, the so called ARIS launcher, which is a preconfigured file with the server & tenant name of your ARIS server. The former option was the applet-based download where the browser has to start its own JRE. Chrome stopped supporting that a while ago, and other browser vendors might follow. Therefore, ARIS offers this new way for providing ARIS download clients.
The JRA file is started using the local JRE, precisely opening that .JAR file with java.exe (located e.g. in C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_66\bin). This actually starts the real/big download of the "thick client" and stores it in folder %UserProfile%\ARIS90.
The advantage of the JAR file opposed to former the applet-/browser-based download is that the JAR file is very small, can be easily distributed, and saved anywhere you like. And once the file extension .JAR is assigned to your local java.exe (via Windows Explorer "Open with..."), you can just double click the JAR file for starting via ARIS Architect/Designer. Of course, the client is only downloaded again when the ARIS server has changed or was updated.
Rune -
Thank you, Rune for the explanation. That clears a lot up for me.Since I'm in a ARIS Design Server environment now, I will need to install the ARIS 9.8 client via setup or the ARIS launcher. To activate the client download it looks like the .jar file to launch is "y-aris-client-loader.jar", right?
Thank you again!
No, it's not a jar file of the client's lib folder. After enabling the ARIS Downloader mechanism will provide a JAR file following the naming convention ARIS_<server_name>_<tenant_name>.jar.
You will get that file also via such a URL: http://<server>:<port>/?jar=true#default/downloadclients
Can you find chapter 6.7.1 Configure the Use of ARIS downloader for one Tenant only up to chapter 6.7.5 Start ARIS Download Clients automatically using ARIS Downloader in ARIS Server Installation and Administration Guide.pdf of your ARIS version?
There you should find all you need to understand that topic and how to configure it.
Rune -
@Rune: Thanks for the explanations. I have set abs.downloadclient.useJARASDownloadClientLauncher true (chapter 6.7.1). However when I execute the browser command described in chapter 6.7.3, I receive "It Works!" or the file system showing index.html (depending on Apache httpd.conf settings). I am wondering why the Downloads Client dialog does not show. Any clue? My Apache installation (Windows 2008) ?
Brgds, Thierry
Dear Thierry,
Well, when you have followed chapter 6.7.1 to enable the ARIS Downloader, why would you then still follow chapter 6.7.3 which outlines how to access the Java applet.
Did you try the procedure in chapter 6.7.4 to use the ARIS Downloader instead of the Java applet?
This should work even without the modification done according to chapter 6.7.1.
Rune -
I confirm that it works! I got confused with the port numbers.. This thin client download is a great feature. Thanks Rune !
Hi, I am new to ARIS 98 SR5 , when provided the url http://<server>:<port>/#default/downloadclients, it shows It works!. Applet are allowed in browsers, Rune kindly let me know how can I use the applet client . I have ARIS 98 SR5 with MS SQL 2014. aris_default and aris_master and the ARIS9DB are created. Please help.
Dear Reshmi,
In most recent ARIS versions the download option via applet has been turned off in favor of using the ARIS Launcher. The latter download option doesn't collide with most modern browser security settings to strictly blocking applets.
As the ARIS Launcher is turned on by default, you may read in ARIS Server Installation and Administration Guide.pdf how to turn it off per tenant or for all tenants in SR5 now in chapter 5.4.1 Configure the use of ARIS downloader for one tenant only and 5.4.2 Configure the use of ARIS Downloader for all tenants. It's just the opposite of that parameter, by setting it to false you will turn on again the applet download option.