I have recently changed my laptop. Installed ARIS Express, and when I started it, I received the following message instead.

"Unable to find a .JRE in the specified directory. Please repair the settings in launcher.cfg and try again".

What should I do to get this started?

by Debashish Bhattacharyya Author
Posted on Mon, 05/17/2021 - 18:08

After posting the message, I realised that Java was not installed in my machine. Hence, de-installed ARIS Express, installed Java and re-installed ARIS Express.

The error message is still popping up. Is this a registry issue or some other issue? Please guide.

With best regards

Debashish Bhattacharyya


by Debashish Bhattacharyya Author
Posted on Mon, 05/31/2021 - 20:11

Hi Frank

I had implemented Jose Managas's solution of running express.jnlp, and the problem got resolved. However, 2 days back, there was an update of Windows 10, after which when I tried to open a adf file today, again I started getting the launcher.cfg problem.

Jose's problem of running express.jnlp did not work today. Then I saw your solution in https://www.ariscommunity.com/comment/reply/13419/26142. The solution worked, and I am now able to open and edit my files.

Thank you very much.

Debashish Bhattacharyya


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