Profile picture for user Dilcarina Duarte

Hello Community!

I just want to access Aris Connect through protocol HTTPS.

I know we need to reconfigure loadbalancer using the following command:

> reconfigure loadbalancer_m +HTTPD.EnforceHTTPS="true"

Apparently this is not enough because HTTP access is still available.

Do you know what I should do to force only HTTPS?


Thanks in advance!



by Patrik Siffrin
Posted on Thu, 01/16/2020 - 16:44
Hi,   You can disable the HTTP port by  configuring it with the value 0   reconfigure loadbalancer_<s,m,l> +HTTPD.port=0   Regards Patrik
by Dilcarina Duarte Author
Posted on Tue, 01/21/2020 - 12:27

Hello Patrik!

Thank you, that's it!

But the output for the command:

                                                    > reconfigure loadbalancer_m +HTTPD.EnforceHTTPS="true"

should redirect to HTTPS but is not happening.

Anyway thanks a lot for your answer.



by Jürgen Göres
Posted on Tue, 01/21/2020 - 16:58

Hi Dilcarina,

for the setting HTTPD.EnforceHTTPS = true to have any effect, the loadbalancer still needs to have its HTTP connector on port 80 enabled, cause only then can the loadbalancer respond to a request to this port with the redirect to HTTPS (which by default means port 443). 

So if you want the redirect, set HTTPD.port to 80. Naturally, this port will then show as "Open" if you scan for open ports on that machine, but since the loadbalancer will always respond with the redirect to https/443, you effectively cannot access the application via HTTP anymore, which is probably what you want.



by Dilcarina Duarte Author
Posted on Mon, 01/27/2020 - 11:37

Hello Jürgen!

I already had these parameters configured this way.

In some environments, it works in others not - and the loadbalancer settings are the same.




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