
We've recently implemented Versioning on our ARIS database in order to provide our customers with an ability to view the ARIS content as it was at a certain point in time.

However I have found out that taking a Version of the database has a huge impact on the database size.  Our database has grown from 35Mb (unversioned) to 200Mb (with 9 change lists).  Going forward this process is not scalable as the growth in filesize will have a huge impact on the daily administration activities as well affecting system performance.

Has anyone encountered similar challenges with Versioning of the ARIS databases and found a working solution to mitigate the growth in size of the database?

Also, is there a functionality available to edit or remove Change Lists created by Versioning?  I am currently unable to find any built-in functionality to do this in the clients.  Wondering if there's any way to do this?



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