Good afternoon,

I am trying to use this Change management attribute but is set to non editable and I can't change it. Do anyone know if it sis possible to somehow set it to editable?

Thanks and Regards

David Izquierdo


by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Tue, 10/17/2023 - 08:16

Yes, I know. This property can only be defined upon creation of an attribute. Hence it cannot be changed for standard attributes - and neither for custom attributes. If you need an editable attribute, use a different attribute that is editable or define your own.

There are very good reasons why this can only be defined upon initial definition of attributes. They have to do with auditability and historical data that you keep in backups. An editable attribute just can't be the same attribute as a non-editable one.

EDIT: Non-editable attributes can only be written to by scripts. Typically governance workflows do so to record state defined during their execution or to record information to be collected only under a regime of such a workflow, e. g. in user dialogues.

by David Izquierdo
Badge for 'Question Solver' achievement
Posted on Wed, 10/18/2023 - 19:58

Understood. Clarified, now.

Considering the high percentage of non editable attibutes for Change management, are there any standard scripts that use this attributes?

Thaks again,

David Izquierdo


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