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With this simple EPC I am modelling an interaction between a user and a system.


When transformed to BPMN I have one pool.

With an eye toward Model-to-Execute, I want to model in the EPC in such a way as to pools in the BPMN that will end up in webM Designer showing something like a pool for the "Registrant" and a pool for the "System".


Is that possible or is only one "default" pool what is created during transformation and therefore the subsequent pool creation is done by hand in webM Designer?


Any advice is appreciated.



David Kerins

by Roland Woldt
Posted on Fri, 06/17/2011 - 15:43

There is a transformation of the objects you mentioned into lanes (but not pools). This will do the trick. The transformation will create multiple pools based on the roles that are modeled in the EPC and also will create a "default" pool for the system functions.

by David Kerins Author
Posted on Mon, 06/27/2011 - 19:22

Thank Roland for your repsonse. Just to be clear, the EPC to BPMN transformation creates ONE Pool with one swimlane (default) for the system functions and one swimlane for each 'role' that I define.  Correct?




by Roland Woldt
Posted on Tue, 06/28/2011 - 16:14

David, yes that is correct. Please see some rules about the transformation below.

by Jens Lauer
Posted on Thu, 06/30/2011 - 12:02

The resulting BPMN diagram looks wrong to me. It contains exactly one pool and the default lane.

The process should contain at least one lane named like the organizational element.

Roland are the tasks which correspond to the function in the epc that have a business service assigned always assigned to the default lane? I can remember that the tasks where always assigned to the lane which represented the according software service?

David are there any software services connected to the business services used in the epc?


by Roland Woldt
Posted on Fri, 07/01/2011 - 19:50


I just recreated the example in my installation and the transformation produced this result, which is OK IMHO.

  @Jens - AFAIK all service steps end in the "default" lane. I haven't seen that differently in phase 3.  

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