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Our process branches on success or failure.  When these event occurs we want to have a KPI to count the "success" event and a KPI to count the "failure" event.  It is not possible as far as I can tell with the Entire Method, but the first attached graphic shows what I thought makes sense.  i.e. having the KPI on the event. (This is mocked up.)


The second graphic is actually what we are doing.  After the event succeeds (or fails) we build a message and this is where we hang the KPI.  To me this seems after the fact, the success (or failure) has occured and we have moved on to the next function and there, late to the party, is our KPI.


Just thinking out loud here but any advice or comment is humbly accepted and appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

David Kerins

by Ivo Velitchkov
Posted on Mon, 01/30/2012 - 11:48


Can't you use ERM attribute in a similar way as in conditions for process simulation? (There are sample models in the Demo DB located at /United Motors Group/2. Processes/Process Architecture/Core Processes/Procurement/Vehicle management/Receipt of goods/replacement parts for vehicles/Theory/Simulation control)


by khutjo Thobejane
Posted on Tue, 02/07/2012 - 12:42

how do we create KPIs on a new user and im completely clueless!!Please help


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