In the UMG database there are occurrences of ERM attribute objects connected to Event objects. (See below)
Is is acceptable ARIS modelling convention (i.e. best practice) to attach data objects to an event?
If so, is it acceptable ARIS modelling convention to attach a data/cluster object to an event?
If so, what does it mean? i.e. Does an attached cluster object imply or show "state"? Is it acceptable practice to "show state" with a data cluster object? Or does it simply mean that when the event occurs that the data is read/evaluated or written to a persistent store.
My group is having a lively debate about whether events can have state (i.e. stateful events) and whether a cluster object could be used to represent the specific data that makes up the "state" of the event when it occurs.
Any advice or opinions happily received.