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I am starting on a project to document the current state of the enterprise for my company.  Part of this will be the creation of a Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) matrix of several Oracle database schemas.  I need a tool capable of collecting information from a schema regarding applications that utilize the schema and the typr of actions that each application performs on a specific database object.  Is IT Inventory the correct tool for performing this task?




by Joerg Beyer
Posted on Thu, 05/17/2012 - 14:25

Hi, to my knowledge for a quick solution there are no tools out there. treibglas is providing IT Management-as-a-Service and our tool - just in private alpha release - will exactly do this in a very comfortable way. We would like to discuss with you your requirements to better reflect customer needs. What are detailed information to best describe a business object? The assignemt to an application and CRUD is already part of the web application. If you are open to discuss just drop me a mail Joerg.Beyer [at]  

This is not intended to be a commercial offer but a support we provide to the IT community.

by Oren Ben
Posted on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 11:43

Hi Darrell,

We're doing something similar with a range of databases sync'd with Aris.  We're managing a range of schema components through the lifecycle.  I'm happy to catch up and step you through the approach.




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