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Can you help me

We are importing XMI file (UML 2.5 XMI 2.5.1 ) in ARIS UML Designer. 

After the import the available classes and relationships, but no models. What can be the reason?


Models were painted in power designer. Exported in UML 2 XMI 2.1. Then using Enterprice Architect transformed UML 2 XMI 2.1 into UML 2.5 XMI 2.5.1 and after this XMI file (2.5 XMI 2.5.1) imported into ARIS UML Designer without stylesheets (xsl).


by Carsten Pitz
Posted on Sat, 01/14/2017 - 17:34

Hi Dimitry,

OK import from Sparx EA

* activities are stored as BPMN

*  xmi.idref that refer to nowhere (Sparx EA does not even ensure referential integrity)

* a damn lot of propreatary garbage in the XMI, even if suppressed in the settings

Just to only name 3 ...

Best regards


by Carsten Pitz
Posted on Mon, 01/16/2017 - 15:04

Hi Dimitry,

another point: Sparx EA knows folders and packages. Folders are Sparx EA propriatary. Packages are UML elements. So if the Sparx EA "model" uses folders instead of packages, the resulting "model" will be flat.

Best regards



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