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We are trying to run a report to show just the function symbols (of an EPC (row display) model) including the associated inputs and outputs.

We have tried using the report 'Output organizational elements, data elements, and application systems via functions' but it doesn’t show all function boxes included on the map in the report for some reason. Some of the reports aren’t showing any details even though there are a number functions in the map.

I would like to know if there is a default report that can be used for this purpose or if there are some SIMPLE instructions on how to create a report to satisfy this.

I am not overly familiar with custom reporting/Queries and therefore easy understood advice would be most appreciated!!

Thank you.

Russell Dominey.

by Nikola Dlaka
Posted on Mon, 11/21/2011 - 15:11

Dear Russel,

This task looks easily implementable using just the WYSWYG editor.

Can you please send me a sample process so I can play with it? This is just to verify that everything works because from your description it looks strange.

You can create a new "Test" database and merge a process to it. Then you can do a backup and send me the Test.adb file. 


Thanks and Kr


by Russell Dominey Author
Posted on Mon, 11/21/2011 - 16:06

Thank you Nikola. I have emailed you a model direct to the email address above.


by Nikola Dlaka
Posted on Wed, 11/23/2011 - 00:38

Dear Russell,

Fortunately, I had some custom code for this purpose, it's not possible to do it in the editor, :).

At least, I don't know how, :)

Now, the report looks something like this:


/system/files/editor/files/Function Output

by Russell Dominey Author
Posted on Wed, 11/23/2011 - 16:20

Many thanks for your help with this Nikola. You have been most helpful.

All the best.


by Russell Dominey Author
Posted on Thu, 11/24/2011 - 15:17
Good afternoon Nikola.   I am being very cheeky in asking this. Is the report you sent easy to edit? I have clicked edit and all I see are endless rows of code! I need to add another column to the table to capture an application system type object that supports the function.   Russell.
by Louise Curran
Posted on Thu, 12/15/2011 - 13:26

Hi Nikola

Can you pls assist with my WYSIWYG report.  I have listed my requirements on other articles i.e

"WYSIWIG version of ARIS report: output org, data elements, app via functions" and "Layouting report".

my report is as follows

the error when I run the report is:

return ArisData.sort(ArisData.Unique(result),Constants.AT_ID, nLocale)

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards



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