I have used tp ARIS to model a BP using BPMN 2. But, after I typed the name of the activity in Arabic, ARIS Express displays the name of the activity using question (?) characters.
See attached.
Best regards
Dr. Khaled
I am getting the same problem. Please note that when you are typing text in Arabic it looks fine but once you click out it turns into ??? See image below
I am using windows 7 Ultimate
ARIS Express 2.1 Version: 2.1 - (SR 2010_06) Java Runtime Environment: 1.6.0_20
Oh, it was a silly question. You just have to change the font of the elements to something which supports Arabic/Farsi (Right-click on an element, then Format > Character..., then choose a suitable Arabic/Farsi font).
But still I don't know how to change the overall default font so that newly drawn elements have automatically correct fonts.