I'm facing a strange Problem with the ARIS A&D Client. It doesn't start after some time, but after a reboot and directly starting the Client it runs. In case of an error no logs were written. The starting screen appears for a second and then it disappears directly.
I hope someone can help :)
Hi Markus.
> It doesn't start after some time, but after a reboot and directly starting the Client it runs.
Does not know what this is supposed to mean...
Do you use the installed client or the download client?
In case you use the download client: let's proceed as follows:
- check your %temp% folder. You can past this into the windows explorer to navigate to the right folder.
- the downloader will create files beginning with "ARISLauncher". You can attach these files in your answer.
Alternatively, you can use the command "java -jar <your jar file name>" in a command prompt started in the directory where your downloader jar file is created.
> It doesn't start after some time, but after a reboot and directly starting the Client it runs.
If I run the Installed Client directly after login, it launches without problems, but if I try to launch it after some time on the error occures. I haven't found out what influences the Client that way. Is there a chance to get debugging output?
I was afraid that it was the installed client... because this client does not produce the logs I mentioned. So there is not debugging output.
So, if you start the client directly after log in, it shows that the installation is "generally ok", but maybe there is software running on your system doing some checks or so and hinder ARIS to start.
Please contact your IT. Maybe there is a software forbidding installed software to start.
Hi Markus,
can you clarify whether you are using an installed client without local database oder with local database ?
If you are using a client with local database, the so called LOCAL server, common problems like you describe are an virus scanner meddling with the local database server directory (Exclude the ARIS directory from on-Access scan please as described in the documentation) or changes in the IP stack with ARIS running, (e.g. Your laptop goes into sleep mode you activate a VPN, you receive another IP address from your IT..).