Hello all the community, sorry my bad english.

In company we have ARIS Connect 9.8 SR4, and we are very well with the product.

Now, we want use Aris Document Storage, come with ARIS Connect.

We can use it, upload documents, see changes in document, history of changes, all OK.

For years we have some scripts to get data using reports, from the database, but we do not find

any script object to see documents of ADS, I said, documents are uploaded to ADS, but we cannot

get data of those documents, using ARIS scripts.

In some info of ARIS version product, I can see in ARIS 9.8 SR6, that there is new objects for

using in script, for get access to ADS documents, like these:







So my question is if we can get this objects in 9.8 SR4, or we must upgrade to 9.8 SR6 or superior, to

use scripting to get data or information from documents in ARIS ADS.

Thanks in advance for reading, and  for your answers.



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