I am very proud to inform you that today we launched the first episodes of ARIS TV. ARIS TV is IDS Scheer's new YouTube channel that will be completely integrated into the ARIS BPM Blog. On ARIS TV we will provide you with interesting topics regarding Business Process Management and ARIS. ARIS TV will offer interviews with BPM experts, ARIS customers and thought leaders in the area of Business Process Management. But we will also report from events going on all around the world.
I will be your host and moderator on ARIS TV. We have already 3 episodes available and we plan to provide you with more exciting stuff regarding BPM, EA, process-driven SAP, Governance, Risk and Compliance Management, Process Intelligence and Performance Management and a lot of additional interesting but also entertaining stuff around those topics. We already scheduled some further interviews with experts and thought leaders in these areas of interest and of course we plan to report from events regarding BPM all over the world.
The first three epsiodes are:
Episode 1: What is ARIS TV and why should companies care about Business Process Management? This is the pilot episode where I introduce the idea of ARIS TV and give you a high-level introduction why companies should focus on Business Process Management.
Episode 2: The 7 Pillars of BPM - What are the basics for a successful Business Process Management? This episode gives a short review and impression of ARIS ProcessDay in Split in May 2008. Furthermore I had the chance to interview Rob Davis and to speak with him about the 7 pillars of a successful Business Process Management. Rob Davis is Principal Consultant for Process Architecture and Process Modelling for Brtish Telecommunication plc. (BT) in the UK. Rob has been involved in process modelling and design for more than nine years and is an internationally recognized expert in Business Process Management and the use of the ARIS. Rob explains about the importance of a process architecture and the typical roles and responsibilities within a BPM organization.
Episode 3: How to avoid typical Pitfalls when you start a major BPM Initiative in your company? Of course I took the chance to get a second interview with Rob Davis in Split to learn from his experience. In this episode Rob gives a short overview on how to avoid typical pitfalls when you start a major BPM initiative using ARIS as a modelling tool. He offers some expert tips and explains how to make your BPM project more successful. He formulates several questions that everybody should ask himself when starting a project.
I hope you like the idea of ARIS TV. ARIS TV is not supposed to be just some kind of high-gloss image campaign. It means to really bring value to the ARIS BPM community by targeting interesting topics with valuable information for your daily work in an easy and understandable way. We have already produced some further interviews that we will broadcast very soon.
Please give me your feedback regarding ARIS TV via blog comments, by e-mail (arisproductmarketing@ids-scheer.com) or directly during ARIS User Day and ARIS ProcessWorld where we plan to have an ARIS TV booth. If you want to do an interview or if you have a good topic on which you would like to have more information please let me know!