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ARIS Cloud 9.8 is out now and available in three editions: ARIS Cloud Basic, Advanced and Enterprise, providing you the right capabilities for your current project needs. Within the next days I will give you an overview of all new features of ARIS Cloud 9.8. I will use this post to collect all feature posts about ARIS Cloud 9.8 in a single place. Please use this URL as a reference (this post will be edited to reflect updates).

Here is an overview of the new features:

- New design features for all editions, e. g., add or remove vertical or horizontal space, model with different languages

- Better usability, e. g., easier navigation and filtering of tags

- Better administration and multi-language support, e. g. support of user groups


You want to test the new version? Then go to and start with your free trial version of ARIS Cloud Basic immediately.

If you are already using a free trial of ARIS Cloud you can profit from one of the great highlights of the public cloud. The update has already been implemented. So please log in to your free trial and you will see that you are now working with the new version.


by Etienne Venter
Posted on Thu, 07/30/2015 - 11:02

Hi Elke, this really sounds promising and useful! However, with most BPA projects (most projects) one has to marry the business perspective with the undelying IT perspectives or to put it differently, Define (EPC, BPMN etc.) and Design (ArchiMate, UML). This has to happen in an integrated manner i.e. association between activities on BPMN diagrams to application system boundaries and use cases etc.? In short, we use ARIS business designer + ArchiMate and ARIS UML designer in an integrated manner to realize solutions. Will this be possible using ARIS Cloud?

by Elke Bastian Author
Posted on Tue, 08/04/2015 - 17:54

Hi Etienne,

Yes, all ARIS products are ready for the cloud. You can use the mentioned products in the current version with ARIS Cloud Enterprise in a private cloud.

Best regards,



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