Here comes some more information about the new features of ARIS Cloud.

One of the great usability enhancements we provide now for the ARIS Connect portal is the possibility to integrate placed link attributes that are clickable in the model viewer. This link can be used to access external Web pages or to download documents.

Just go to the model, in which you want to include a link, select or create an object, open the Properties and edit the Attributes. Then insert your link.

The link can be placed in the model using the function ‘Place attribute’.

Then, thin link is placed in the model on the selected place and can be clicked via the link address or the link symbol.

A further improvement is the possibility to add tags to comments in the collaboration area. Tags are keywords that help to structure content and communication. Since 9.7, tags can be added to collaboration activities. With 9.8, tags can be used to filter a stream to see only those collaboration activities that include a certain tag.

Tags can be easily added via an additional field below your comment.

Tags are shown below the comments. You can also add several tags to one comment.

To make it easier to navigate through a diagram, a second click for navigation has been implemented. You no longer need to click on the small assignment icon to open the assigned model behind this object. Instead, you can now just select the object and click again on the object to browse to the single assignment or get the assignment dialogue to further navigate.

Enjoy the new features ARIS Cloud!


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