I'm really happy to announce that ARIS 10 Service Release (SR) 10 was released today! The new release provides many great features to support your transformation projects and help you make change happen.

Start small with ARIS Cloud and grow big towards an Enterprise Management System powered by ARIS and involving every single employee to make better decisions and achieve operational excellence−from strategy to everyone. Whatever your needs are, ARIS spans from strategy and process design, risk and compliance management, rollout and change management, process mining and analysis to business automation (Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Internet of Things (IoT), SAP®).

Here is a short (incomplete) summary of the new features:

  • A new edition ARIS Cloud Elements will be available from January 2020 - stay tuned!
  • New features for ARIS Cloud Advanced and improved usability. It can now also be purchased on the AWS Marketplace
  • The new confirmation management supports the use case “read & understood” with a confirmation workflow that helps you verify that your employees will follow your standard operating procedures.
  • Further smart modeling extensions for BPMN, DMN, RPA, etc.
  • Process Mining provides enhanced transparency with new advanced filtering on discovered processes, a new seamless import of discovered processes (BPMN or EPC), a new function for coloring and many further extension.
  • ARIS RPA (robotic process automation) powered by Kryon
  • And many others

Here you find more information:

ARIS 10 SR 10 release

ARIS 10 SR 10 features presentation

ARIS 10 SR 10 features fact sheet

Stay tuned!


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