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The 3rd BPM Expert Forum of the BPM Association will take place on July 6th, 2021.

This issue is titled Will RPA make BPMSs redundant?

Speakers are Prof. Dr. Stefanie Rinderle-Ma from the Technical University of Munich, Germany, and Bernd Rücker, Co-Founder and Chief Technologist of Camunda. You can register here and you find more information about the event series here.

If you missed the first BPM Expert Forum in March about “BPM Past, Present and Future,” you can find a review here. For the second one in May about "Does digital innovation need process models? you find a review here.

by Caspar Jans
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Posted on Mon, 06/14/2021 - 14:16

What I really like about the title is that they use the term BPMS where it's supposed to be used. Very often in social media vendors and analysts used the term BPM for that and it drives me crazy ;-) 

Having said that, please register and attend, it's going to be very insightful, I think...


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