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It is with great pleasure to announce the availability of the new

ARIS 10 Service Release 16 (SR16)


I'll share the most important things right at the beginning:

We show all new features in our deep-dive webinarClick here to watch on demand. We scheduled two hours for this deep-dive and have several ARIS product managers on board that will give you the details and will answer all your questions.

For an overview of all new features, please have a look at the ARIS 10 SR 16 features overview fact sheet and the ARIS 10 SR 16 features overview presentation.

We will share more details about the new features over the coming weeks, so please stay tuned!


Highlights of ARIS 10 SR16


Processes are at the heart of your success. The unique ARIS capabilities around business process analysis and process mining ensure the success of your business transformation and excellence initiatives.

Knowing your processes is key to being able to adapt them quickly and to be flexible enough to handle process variants. Eventually, it is crucial that new working procedures and guidelines are well received by all employees in a language they understand.

The new ARIS 10 SR16 is designed with all your needs in mind - to best support you in all your transformation and excellence initiatives:

These highlights along with many other usability improvements are the foundation for fast rollout and strong user commitment.

Can't wait to migrate to ARIS 10 SR16? Check this out before you start. It contains important information concerning your customizing.

Stay tuned for more information to come and watch our webinar on demand! 

In case you haven't downloaded it yet, here is the link to the Forrester TEI study.


by Leon van der Zanden
Posted on Tue, 10/19/2021 - 18:00

When SR16 comes available in ARIS Coud?

by Elke Bastian Author
Posted on Wed, 10/20/2021 - 10:07

Hi Leon,

SR 16 is already live in the Basic and Advanced edition.
ARIS Enterprise customers receive an email with a suggested date for the upgrade. If the date doesn't work or if you want to have it earlier, you can choose another date through a support ticket in Empower.

by Elke Bastian Author
Posted on Thu, 10/21/2021 - 10:28

In reply to by MannyD

Hi Manny, I think at this point we only have the information in English. But I will contact the German team and let them know that there is a need.


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