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Do you know the situation of too slowly progressing projects with disappointing results? Maybe you have the impression that you have too many time-consuming meetings with too many people and in the end only half of the expected results come true. That’s frustrating.

Key to make it better is transparency, a common understanding with clear responsibilities and good communication. When you think of SAP projects, they often fail because of poor business adoption. Lack of business process visibility, optimization and ineffective change management slows projects down and puts their success at risk.

That’s where ARIS can help. ARIS for SAP® Solutions bridges the gap between business and SAP by engaging all teams, from business blueprint to go-live. You can accelerate designing, implementing and optimizing SAP projects, like S/4HANA® migrations. You can also ensure that your end users are commited and well trained with ARIS and SAP Enable Now.

Argentina’s leading rail operator, the Sociedad Operadora Ferroviaria Sociedad del Estado (SOFSE) recognized the value that ARIS can bring with its unique integration to SAP solutions.

SOFSE struggled with unifying technologies and processes across diverse rail lines. Their finance and administration processes were locked up in SAP and they faced a lack of transparency and standardization. With the goal to establish a new payment and ticketing system, they were looking for a tool for business process transformation that was compatible with SAP. ARIS checked all the boxes.

With the new solution SOFSE reduced reporting times by 90% and their SAP integration established a single source of truth. They achieved unparalleled process visibility and with the SAP Enable Now integration, they’ve even been able to get their employees involved in the process.

Read the full story here.

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