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On 14th to 16th November our whole office in Saarbruecken − the heart of ARIS as we call it − was upside down (in a positive way) for the ARIS Partner Days and German User Group meeting. It was the first big event with partners and customers after a long Covid break and everyone was more than excited and looked very much forward to it.

I love ARIS

We felt very honored to welcome more than 100 guests from 27 different countries, e.g. Australia, Mexico, Brazil, South Korea, and Germany, for three days full of valuable feature sessions, best practices, networking and fun.

Dr. Stefan Sigg

The Partner Days were kicked off with an inspiring keynote by Dr. Stefan Sigg, Chief Product Officer at Software AG, followed by Marc Vietor, General Manager ARIS, and our host Fabian Moosmann, Director Global ARIS Partners. The product and feature sessions were held by our ARIS Product Management team, and supported by colleagues from sales, professional services, and R & D. Many participants used their chance for one-on-one meetings with ARIS experts.

Marc Vietor


Fabian Moosmann

On the second day the German ARIS User Group joined us to meet for two days with a fully packed agenda as well. This was the first meeting with the new team. Christina Hahn from Software AG took over the user group this summer and invited the new President Veronika Ellermann, Vice President Harald Spiegel, and the German group for the first in person meeting to Saarbruecken. Two inspiring customer presentations, a lively panel discussion and valuable product sessions created a great atmosphere in the group.

German User Group

The ARIS usability lab, hosted by R & D, was very well received as usual on all three days. Finally, the common evening event in the city of Saarbruecken built a perfect opportunity for networking across borders and was great fun.

Usability lab

All in all, this event was a great success and much fun for all involved. Not only the customers and partners left with smiling faces. Also, the ARIS team from all areas really enjoyed meeting people in person, sharing knowledge, getting feedback firsthand, and getting inspired for great future ideas.

ARIS usability team

This ARIS heart is beating strongly!

Keep your passion and enjoy the Holiday season! Don't forget to have a look at our ARIS Advent Calendar!

by Veronika Ellermann
Badge for 'Explorer' achievement
Posted on Mon, 12/11/2023 - 14:24

It was a great event! Already looking forward to the next one :)


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