With the installation of SAG there is a derby database installed. i need to find out how to login to this database and how to extract information.
to see if some software is installed by accident or is actually in use.
With the installation of SAG there is a derby database installed. i need to find out how to login to this database and how to extract information.
to see if some software is installed by accident or is actually in use.
Dear Emi,
Which ARIS product and version do you refer to?
Which information do you expect to find? And for which purpose do you need that information?
ARIS 9 & ARIS 10 store user data in PostGreSQL, or MS SQL Server or Oracle. However, due to data consistency reasons we only offer interfaces via an application layer, e.g. ARIS Scripts API and ARIS RESTful API.
Only internal ARIS data is kept in several other databases, such as Elasticsearch. But we don't offer direct to those databases neither as application layers provide that data and are able to keep that data consistent.