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Hi, I haven't used ARIS in a long while, and only from a Business Architecture perspective at the time. I have recently been tasked to look at ARIS again from an Enterprise perspective, for now, in the absence of an EA. I just wanted to know if there is somebody who knows how I can go about modelling Integration Architecture and Disaster Recovery artefacts? Should these be categories on its own from an Enterprise perspective or should it be included in the existing architecture views? Also, which models would be most appropriate to use and to apply to our existing Method? Thanks

by André Vitor Oliveira
Posted on Thu, 03/02/2023 - 18:01


I think in the ARIS Help Method there are some information regading the models types available in order to map some Articats which could be done by IT Architecture models in ARIS. On the Method Help you have these entries:
Enterprise Architecture, Information architecture and IT landscape method system.
Perhaps these documentation can help you even other user also can contribute here if already did this before.



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