I use a report to create some .png files of models. I drop theses images on the server at "users4/bpm00/" for use them in a web publisher.
All reports run on "users/bpm00/bin/server.524795/temp" and during the running I want to check if all images ( at "users4/bpm00/" ) are good or not ...
So I want to read the content of the folder "users4/bpm00/" and have a string array. therefore I'll be able to say if any images miss in the folder.
Anyone can help me for reading this folder on server?
Best regards,
Maybe this can help: from an ARIS script, you can execute a .bat file with "Context.execute" to look at your images and do some checks.
var process = Context.execute("\"d:\\program files\\program.exe param1 param2\""); var inReader = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); // read all chars from the stream and concatenate them var sResult = ""; var text; while((text = inReader.readLine()) != null) { sResult += text; } process.waitFor(); //ends when process terminates