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I have created an account as recommended, I have also downloaded Aris Express however, Aris is unable to check my username and password and therefore, unable to install the application.

I have followed all the troubleshooting recommended; I have the latest version of Java, my PC is not on LAN or other Proxy.

I am receiving the same error message saying that there is no connection to the internet or that I am working through a Proxy or that I am not registered but neither of those are true. Any ideas how to fix this problem?

I will appreciate your support on this.



by Frank Weyand
Posted on Sat, 04/23/2011 - 21:36


Express uses a secure internet connection via HTTPS. Please check your proxy settings in the Java panel. If you use browser settings, please check these. Maybe there are certain settings for the secure internet connections?

The check for the user credentials is an obligatory step. Could you crosscheck with your IT department?



by Pavel Miller
Posted on Wed, 06/29/2011 - 21:42


I have the same problem. the pc is online. No proxy is used. All java programs can connect to the internet only yours cant.

I want to delete my account, but no possibility I also found.

not a very nice experience.




by William Morales Author
Posted on Wed, 06/29/2011 - 23:12

I was unable to fix the problem and unfortunately no one was able to help.


Agree with you... Not a very nice experience.

by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Thu, 06/30/2011 - 07:35

Both, please double check that you also got no proxy for https:// (secure) connections. I know you already verified that, but it is easy to overlook. If all those things are correct, we run out of options, because there are no other error sources.

@Pavel: If you want to delete your account, send a short contact request to the moderators of the site.

@William: Frank followed-up your initial question, but we have not received any feedback from you. So it is a bit of a false claim that nobody was able to help you.

by Pavel Miller
Posted on Thu, 06/30/2011 - 11:26

I tried to install on my home pc. I don't use proxy.

I tried to configure, that java should use browser preferences - no connection

the same result if I chose direct connection.

I assume, that the https-connection is blocked because of an invalid certificate. But I have no time to check it now.

by Frank Weyand
Posted on Thu, 06/30/2011 - 12:41

The certificate is valid until March 30, 2012, no need to test this.

by Pavel Miller
Posted on Thu, 06/30/2011 - 14:24

The validity is given not only by the date. The signer of the certificate must be known in the JVM, and its certificate to be valid as well.

Also be issued the certificate for the server with the server was the same, with which the connection is made.

by Kurt Weiß
Posted on Mon, 12/19/2011 - 19:01

After this thread isn't solved and after I have the same problem, I connect to this discussion here:

*) I've installed latest Java version (6).

*) I've started express.jnlp

*) The application was started correctly and the certificates where installed and are valid.

After all, the application ends registration with the known message: no internet connection. :(

by Frank Weyand
Posted on Tue, 12/20/2011 - 08:54


sorry to say so, but there is no other possibility but to figure our the connection in your company with your IT.

If Express is not able to connect, it's not allowed to do so. All we can do is to provide the interface to check the account on our side. If it is not reached, well, as I said, you need to correct your settings.



by Kurt Weiß
Posted on Tue, 12/20/2011 - 08:55


The default link to javaws wasn't java6. - Starting Aris Express with the correct VM was successful. - my fault...

by Kurt Weiß
Posted on Tue, 12/20/2011 - 11:39

Hi Frank.

As commented before: The Problem was a false link to default javaws. - It's a problem that seem to exist in 64bit enviroments. (linux - ia32 was linked instead of 64bit)

Maybe that the same problem can exist on other OS'.

The same effect will exist, if the gcj jre is installed, 'cause it could be, that this tools are default jre.

In my case I had to correct the softlinks in /etc/alternatives manually. (ubuntu)

The network settings and certification settings where all ok.

The problem is already solved and I just commented on the result for future visitors of this thread.


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