Looking to maximise your investment in ARIS as a platform to support business transformation projects by modelling business processes, defining requirements and to generate high quality Business Requirement Definitions (BRD)? Then have a look at the solution from BPMUtils.com
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my 2 cents:
Looks to me like a mere collection of report generation scripts.
As such it does not cover the needs of requirements engineering like for example
- bidirectional traceabilty (includes test management support)
- re-use of requirement sets
- variant management (includes requirements branching)
Thanks for the comment, it is point 2. a recommendation. If you have a look at the detail output generated you will see that it covers a means to communicate requirements clearly covering test scenarios, reuse of requirements across designs, risks, UI design requirements, etc. Ability to seamlessly navigate forward, backwards, up, down etc. using the generated hyperlinks. As the content is in Excel one has the ability to use normal Excel capabilities to filter content etc. and allows for paper free BRD's. In short, it facilitates the ability to communicate requirements clearly to impacted stakeholders.