Profile picture for user Etienne

Part 1: Generating ARIS content from ARIS Designer to Confluence & JIRA

Do you have problems to output ARIS content into quality SDLC deliverables where requirements are traceable and can be tracked through the different SDLC stages? Then have a look at the solution from, their aris2confluence bridge makes it easy to publish ARIS modelled content as wiki pages in Confluence where all impacted stakeholders can view and collaborate on content and track progress through the different SDLC stages using JIRA.

Here is a link to deliverables generated for a "fictitious project" to illustrate the capability

Part 2: Generating ARIS content from ARIS UML Designer to Confluence & JIRA

I will add Part 2 shortly!

by Alexander Bielowski
Posted on Wed, 03/08/2017 - 13:20

Dear Etienne, I understood that the solution approach at Santam is UML-based. We are not using UML, but BPMN and other, customized models. Do you know how flexible/configurable the ARIS2confluence solution is?

by Ahmed Omer
Posted on Sun, 05/13/2018 - 16:45

Hi Etienne

is this solution still available  ?




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