We have been waiting impatiently for this special moment to happen: so LADIES and GENTLEMEN - please welcome with us Dr. Mihalis Catapotis, who is "ARIS Community member 100,000"!

Amazing, but true: In May 2009 we have launched ARIS Community at ProcessWorld, and TODAY - precisely 2 years later - we have reached the magic number of 100.000 users, again during ProcessWorld. This is a great achievement of which we are very proud, and we want to thank YOU all for giving our adventure this much support. It is only thanks to you that we are the biggest BPM community in the world, so please stick with us in future and spread the word!

And no, we didn't forgot the WINNER of the 100k contest, but currently most of us are at ProcessWorld and we will need some time to dig through the more than 350 contest entries to find the winner.

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