The user who create the new subgroup (or cause the creation) does have access to that group however the other user does not have access to it. Actually I am the ARIS administrator and I'm sure both users have full access to the parent group.
Hello Eyad,
if a group is created automatically by ARIS functionality as you describe, it should work the following way: The user who runs the functionality get full rights on the new group, the access rights for other users are inherited from the parent group of the new group. So the described use case should work.
I'll try to test your scenario over the weekend and give you feedback beginning of next week. Could you check, if the other user really has access rights on the parent group but not on the newly created (the administrator in ARIS Business Architect can do that) and send me this information? This would help me to give a precise diagnosis.
ok .. I understand the access previlage is on a group level ... that mean if one user create a subgroup in the gourp the other user will not have an access to it??? becasue what I'm having here ... that a user is creating an SAP function and you know that ARIS give you the option to create all the associates with it like the FAD for that function ... but unfortunately the FAD is being created and placed in a new subgroup ... the other user will not have access to this new subgroup ... please let me know if there is a solution for that .... in my case, both users should have continious full access to the mother group.
Greetings Eyad,
Comment by uro:
Hello Eyad,
the access privileges are defined in regard to the groups which contain the
objects and models. If both users have the same rights on a certain group
they should be able to access the same objects and models. It might be that
the diagram whereto the object assignemt points, lies in a different group
where only the user has access rights, who created the assignment but not the
other one. Could this be the case in your situatuon?
If I have two users in ARIS business Designer and both of them they have rwd previlages in the DB with only (Formatting Attributes) previlage .... the problem is when one of them create a model or an assignment for an object the other one can NOT see the assignment or access the model ... is there is a way or functionality to solve that?