Hi !

I'm using ARIS 10.0.8 (jre8). I've got a report using custom jar to unmarshall XML file into java object model. 

The extract data are used to create ARIS Objects and models. 


I'm testing to upgrade to ARIS10.0.17 but I'm facing a problem since this version is using JRE11. 

In this JRE version the is no more rt.jar ( javax.xml.bind ). 

As recommanded, I've incuded in the "Common Files" report group and include it to my report :

- jaxb-impl-2.3.6.jar

- jaxb-core-3.0.2.jar

- jaxb-api-2.4.0-b180830.0359.jar

- activation-1.1.1.jar

I stil get an error : 

"Can't find bundle for base name javax.xml.bind.Messages, locale en_US"

I Anyone else is facing the same problem ? 


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