Hi all,
Just trying to understand the products.
-I have ARIS Architect/ Designer installed. This is the thick client install. Is there a thin client version ( non 'Connect' version of this available too? Based on my license information below do I have that?
- I have also installed Connect Designer/ Server. This is up and running and pointing to a database I created in ARIS Architect and users I created using UMC.
-I am fairly new to the Connect suite and am considering using the traditional client install for ARIS Designer, is this available as a thin client install?
-Am I correct in understanding the Connect suite can be used to replace the traditional thin/ thick client Architect/ designer and Publisher set up with additional groovy collaboration / socialising functionality.
- Also if I am restoring a new Tenant, are there any licensing considerations I need to follow up on?
Just checked my license privileges within UMC.
Connect Designer-15
Connect server 1
Connect viewer -100.
- I tried logging in as a new user in Architect, and getting a license error message. It allows me to log in via Connect designer? No problem logging in as a system manager.
- Also, its allowing me to delete models and objects via Connect designer although I have specified (RW+C) access to the test group/ models. Read (R---) only access is working well.!!
-Can I add comments via Architect/ designer and not through Connect designer.
- Ideally is better to have Connect server and thick client Architect/ Designer installed on separate servers? Currently installed on a single box and working ok.