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Hi ARIS Express team,


I installed ARIS Express on my PC and after installation it starts and works fine. But I cant restart the program over the normal way by clicking a shortcut or an entry in the start menu, because nothing was created. A work around is to start the download process on the ARIS community homepage again.


Is there a possibility to get the shortcut afterwards?


Thx in advance and regards,


by Jens Chorus
Posted on Wed, 10/07/2009 - 15:11

You need to start Aris by using the Java Webstarter. Within the Webstarter you get a menu for applications. There you can choose Aris.

by Frank Weyand
Posted on Wed, 10/07/2009 - 16:07


you can have this issue if the cached files for the JRE are not kept on the local disk.

In the Java control panel (to be started from system panel, if you're using Windows), on the first page, you can set the setting for the "temporary internet files". There, you must have the switch set on for leaving the files on your computer. Otherwise, Express is only downloaded, but not stored on your machine.




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