Hi together,


I want to group 4 value added chains in 1 value added chain in a reminder mechanism process for paying bills. The 4 subprocesses represent different reminder procedures: "reminder procedure 01", "reminder procedure 02" ....

The other value added chain is only the abstract process "Reminder mechanism process" to visualize the process en bloc.

My 1st question: Is this approach correct for grouping several subprocesses or exists another ARIS object to combine subprocesses (maybe the "package", but I thought thats only for UML purposes)?

My 2nd question: Its a general layout problem: Is there a functionality to bring existing aris objects in the background or in the front? The only way I know is to model the background object at first and afterwards the other objects, so that these objects can be placed in front of the background object. But thats not very comfortable and costs some time. I am using ARIS Toolset 7.0.2 for designing my processes.


Hopefully somebody could answer these question.

Thanks in advance and regards,


by Uwe Roediger
Posted on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 10:56

Hi Frank,

1. I think there are different ways to express the semantic you wish, you are free to choose. You might connect the value-added chains with connections of type "is process oriented superior". Or you use an  assigned model to group the four others. Maybe also variants could be helpful for you. To give you a more concrete proposal it would be helpful to see your example.

2. It is possible to change the painting sequence (z-order) of elements. Simply select an object and in the context menu after right click use the Arrange-Menu. This allows you to change the order similar to e.g. Powerpoint.



by Frank Beyer Author
Posted on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 13:17

In reply to by russwion

Hello Uwe,


thanks for your answer. I know the possibilities you have mentioned for the 1st issue, but I think in my model it would be a clearer overview through using the "big" value added chain as frame for the specific ones (I would like to show you the process but I dont find an upload option here). Your comment to the 2nd point deals with the realisation for the design I want, but in our ARIS version it was not in the context menu. I found it in the menu bar (so simply sometimes but I dont see it till now ;))

So all in all my questions are answered!

Thanks again and greetings,




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