Dear all,

I'm progressing in Process Management in ARIS and I'm looking for 2 kinds of table reports

1) List all EPCs under a group what ever the level and add some attributes like Author, Reponsible, Model Status, Group...

2)  List of all EPC under a group whatever the level then list role names with object ID, System names with object ID, Risks, PI... for each EPC

I tried queries but there are some limits with number of objects.

I'm wondering how we can do this with Dashboards / Arisconnect.

I'm looking for standards and best practices.

Thanks for your replies


by Bennet Möller
Posted on Thu, 09/15/2022 - 11:09

Hi Francois,

I think you could use Database.Find() to get the First-Level-Groups you are looking for, then use Group.ModelList() to get all Models from that group and then use Group.Childs() to get the other Groups inside on the lower levels and use Group.ModelList() in them too.

Hopefully I could help you. :)

Kind regards,


by Kay Fischbach
Posted on Tue, 09/20/2022 - 08:57

In reply to by MoellerBennet

then use Group.Childs() to get the other Groups inside on the lower levels and use Group.ModelList() in them too.

Don't do this, it may choke the ARIS server/Database server depending on how many levels there are to evaluate.

Instead only call this function once

contextGroup.ModelList(true, [Constants.MT_EEPC]);

- the first parameter (true) will make it so that subgroups are included (recursively).

Method documentation:

by Martin Schröder
Badge for 'Contributor' achievement
Posted on Mon, 09/19/2022 - 19:03

Salut François,

did you try the standard reports?

  • Output models and objects of the groups
  • Automation/Model status overview

For unknown reasons the authors limited both reports for use in Aris Connect (no dialogs, no recursive evaluation of groups) although this should work since Aris 10 SR 6 as well.

For a custom script you will find there the necessary methods to traverse the group hierarchy.

Regards, Martin

by BIGRAT Francois Author
Posted on Wed, 09/21/2022 - 12:45

Dear all,

Thanks a lot for your replies. Your answers drove me to explore how to build a wysiwyg report in ARIS Architect solution. I could use Groups, Subgroups, Model List and even Attributes.

I could script wht I was looking for.

Do you have any clue how to run it automatically and peridocally on a specific group ?

Looking forward for your ideas.



by Bennet Möller
Posted on Mon, 10/10/2022 - 15:13

In reply to by fbigrat

Hi Francois,

have you tried looking in ARIS Architect > Evaluations > Timed Reports ? My wording might be off a bit as I am using ARIS Architect in german, but I hope you can find it.

Kind Regards, Bennet


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