I have this use case to do Gap Analysis of as-is BPMN model and to-be BPMN model from a function objects. So my idea is to make the assignment of function objects that can create multiple times of assignment.
But as you can see, it can't because of the default assignment. Is there any ways that I can change that, or is there any best practice to do Gap Analysis of as-is BPMN model and to-be BPMN model from a single business process (function objects) that I can implement?
The as-is and to-be functions logically are not identical. So it's good to have different objects on the level above. You could create a variant relationship between the objects and also their assigned models. e.g. set the to-be as the master and the as-is as the variant. This way you can use the comparison between variants.There are cases, where there are many as-is processes in place for a single to-be process. If you make all of them variants of the to-be process, you have a nice tool for managing them together.