Hi everyone,

After I have installed the ARIS Architect 9.8, I opened my "Task Manager" and I noticed that this process named "Java (TM) Platform SE binary" is consuming a large amount of memory, as you can observe in the attachment below.

Is this normal? 

Best regards, Felipe Henriques.

File attachments
by Frank Weyand
Posted on Tue, 01/12/2016 - 13:44


yes, this is normal. The ARIS client uses maximum 700 mb of memory,



by Michael Schorn
Posted on Wed, 10/04/2017 - 11:48


my problem with this Java process is the CPU usage which exceeds 60% permanently. I have to admit that I'm using an Core i5 750 but, nevertheless, all other current software including Autodesk work properly.

Regards, Michael


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