
We received certificates from our own internal CA.

1. I put key pair (<filename>.crt and <filename>.key) to a zip file;

2. In the ARIS Cloud Controller I entered these commands:

ACC+ localhost>stop loadbalancer_m
Successfully stopped runnable loadbalancer_m on node localhost.

ACC+ localhost>enhance loadbalancer_m with sslCertificate local file "C:/SoftwareAG/crt/cert.zip"
Successfully executed Local Enhancement sslCertificate C:/SoftwareAG/crt/cert.zip for instance loadbalancer_m.
Successfully enhanced loadbalancer_m.

ACC+ localhost>start loadbalancer_m
Successfully started runnable loadbalancer_m on node localhost.

Then I tried to open the web page via https protocol (https://ppmserver.ru:4080/umc/), but it was not connected.

After that I tried to open tis page via http protocol and the page is successfully opened.

I restarted the server (stopall/startall) but that couldn't fix the issue.

I entered into the directory on the PPM Server:


I compared the contents of file server.crt with the contents of the certificate file *.crt that we received from our certification center, and they matched.

I did the same operation with other certificates on the ARIS Connect Server. Everything was successfully applied there and the web page was successfully opened via protocol https.

Please help me solve this problem.

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