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Read & Understood is a new feature of ARIS 10 SR 10.

It is a business / GRC type of workflow that allows process owners to ask their workforce to confirm that they have read & understood the information in model. 

It is a way of enforcing process conformance, similar to asking people to sign a contract.

It is a powerful feature to increase the practical value of formal models by making them more relevant.

Here is a short video including demo:


by Alexander Cherednichenko
Badge for 'Answermachine' achievement
Posted on Sat, 12/12/2020 - 21:16

Hi Frank,

There are two questions, relate to this "Confirmation" feature.

1. Are there the same attributes to define process owner as for APG (Process responsible)

2. What license activates this "Confirmation" feature.


Thank you in advance.


by Steffen Exeler
Posted on Tue, 12/15/2020 - 11:30

Hi Alexander.

The confirmation process addressees are maintained in the confirmation scheduler dialog. That one can be created by a confirmation admin user (functional privilege) at the "Confirmation" tab at each item.

For the license, pls check with Cecilia Lauer, Product Manager. It's in one of the extension packs for Enterprise.



by Cecilia Lauer
Posted on Tue, 12/15/2020 - 14:42

Hello Alex

the ARIS Enterprise extension is called "Rollout Add-ons".




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