Dear fellow ARIS users,

I am currently trying to utilize the report "Import data in Excel format" to create a model from an Excel sheet.

After initially creating the required Excel sheet with the report "Report - Create template for data import" and filling out the Excel I noticed that only connections defined in in the sheet Model_Structure occur in the model generated. All other connections defined in the sheet "Connections (Cxns)" are created between the objects but do not occur in the generated model.

Unfortunately this is turning out to be quite a problem for me as the model I am trying to generate is far from having a hierarchical structure and therefore I can not simply create all connections in the sheet "Model_structure". Therefore my question is:

Is there another way to achieve my aim using this particular report or do I need to look out for a different solution/ report.?

For now a solution without scripting would be preferred, but if only a scripting solution exists I am also happy to try and figure that out :)



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