Hi all,

I want to set up a default list of attributes to be automatically displayed on every new EPC model created. Working on ARIS 10.

When creating a new EPC model, the out-of-the-box default only displays the attributes that are auto populated by the system (time of generation, creator, last change, last user, type).

Is there a way to change this default to display a set list of attributes (including the auto populated ones listed above) for all users at the point of creating a new model?

We are trying to drive standardisation of the attributes that all modelers must populate, and this would help enormously

Thanks in advance




by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Thu, 08/16/2018 - 16:05

Hello Fernando,

afaik the attributes displayed in the properties are a preference stored with every client. Usually all maintained attributes are displayed automatically - independent of preferences unless s. o. decides to hide an attribute even if maintained.

To foster your goal of enforcing a certain set of attributes to be maintained I would recommend to define a semantic check profile with rules on maintained attributes. Anyone executing such a semantic check profile would be pointed to the mandatory attributes to be maintained and after having maintained those attributes for the first time each user will have the preference to show those attributes stored in his client.

Regards, M. Zschuckelt

by Emmanuel VIGUIE
Posted on Mon, 11/09/2020 - 14:56

There is an existing feature to specify the set of attributes (and its order) which can be used on a set of objects through the Filter.

It would be great to extend it in order to indicate the attributes which should be displayed by default for any ARIS Connect Designer user.


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