Is it possible to customize the type of connections used to establish the RASCI matrix in ARIS Connect in the cloud version? Can RACI or RASCI matrix be selected?
The Cloud Enterprise for example you have the same functionality to display the RACI.. and has these follow connection types:
Responsible (R)
- carries out (API name: CT_EXEC_1)
- carries out (API name: CT_EXEC_2)
Accountable (A)
- decides on (API name: CT_DECD_ON)
- decides on (API name: CT_DECID_ON)
- accepts (API name: CT_AGREES)
Consulted (C)
- is technically responsible for (API name CT_IS_TECH_RESP_1)
- is technically responsible for (API name CT_IS_TECH_RESP_3)
- has consulting role in (API name CT_HAS_CONSLT_ROLE_IN_1)
- has consulting role in (API name CT_HAS_CONSLT_ROLE_IN_2)
Informed (I)
- must be informed about (API name: CT_MUST_BE_INFO_ABT_1)
- must be informed about (API name: CT_MUST_BE_INFO_ABT_2)
- must be informed on cancellation (API name: CT_MUST_BE_INFO_ON_CNC_1)
- must be informed on cancellation (API name: CT_MUST_BE_INFO_ON_CNC_2)