First of all: this is just a minor bug fix release.

So, what’s new in 2.4b?

An annoying bug has been fixed considering linking different models. You can use the link attribute for an object, to assign other ADF files. By starting the link to another ADF file, in the past, a second instance of ARIS Express was opened. Now, this assigned model is opened in the same Express instance.

This does not seem to be a big issue, but for some users, it was. For users having smaller computers, starting multiple instance of Express could take some time, and in addition, copying content from one Express instance into another was not really useful: instead of objects, just graphics were copied.

Sorry, that it took that much time to bring the update for this… actually, this was not a big issue to fix. But I hope you understand we are focusing on our great new products of the ARIS 9.x series, and of course process live. By the way: you do know process live, don’t you? If not, check it out here:

This is a bug fix for the ARIS Express windows version. Actually, the WebStart version is not affected ad all. We just updated this version as well, to have both versions on the same state.

What do you have to do?

Depends. If you do not have a windows system or use the alternative (Java® WebStart®) download, there is no need anything because your java runtime will update ARIS Express automatically. If you are using the Windows version and you are interested in this bug fix, stop Express, download the installation file from here, make sure to uninstall the old Express version and install the new one.

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