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Many SAP customers are working on their S/4 HANA business and application transformation approach. The SAP template design should be based on a composable ERP solution architecture as defined by SAP and Gartner. During the VNSG workshop, Alliander, SAP and DSM will discuss their composable ERP solution architecture and lesson learned. The business impact of E2E business process (monitoring) as a service (BPAAS) and the various new SAP marketplaces will also be discussed during the workshop.
The draft agenda of the VNSG workshop on 16 feb is as follows;
1 Why do all companies need a composable ERP solution architecture according to Gartner, and what are the design principles and ARIS modelling guidelines?
2 The cloud strategy and composable ERP solution architecture from SAP
3 Overview composable domain architecture of Alliander
4 Fit for future technology architecture of DSM
5 Workshop; What is the impact of the composable ERP solution architecture on the S/4 HANA roadmap and SAP BTP?


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