Under the title “Efficient Implementation of Interoperable Business Processes by Model Transformation” Dr. Jürgen Göres from Software AG will present our research results at eChallenges e-2011. The conference and exhibition will take place in Sheraton Florence, 26 - 28 October.
Jürgen will present an approach that adapts the idea of Model Driven Development (MDD) and Model Driven Architecture (MDA) to BPM. He will show an approach for a graphical, model-based transformation of business process models into technical BPMN models and in a second step into executable XPDL files. Compared to other approaches our graphical definition of model transformations can be done by business users without any programming knowledge.
The eChallenges is the twenty first in a series of annual technology research conferences supported by the European Commission, which regularly attracts over 650 delegates from leading commercial, government and research organizations around the world to share knowledge and experience, lessons learnt and good practice in areas of applied Information Communication Technologies (ICT).