One of our professors ask whether it it possible to use ARIS Express as tool for his lessons.

As i read through your terms of use i could not find anything which indicates, that educational use is not allowed.

Please correct me, if i am wrong when saying: We could fully use ARIS Express in our University free of Charge.

Assuming the above statement is correct, i would like to add one or two more technical questions:

We have a software engineering laboratory with 37 desktop pcs running Windows XP connected to a

rather restrictive Domain.

Is the software installed specifically for the single user who started the installer or is it installed for

every user working with this pc (multi user installation)?

Is there a full installation package available for distribution via Windows Deployment Services?

If not, is there a full installation package at all for use on desktop pcs with no internet connection?

If both above questions will get a negative response:

Is it possible to use one account created in the community to install the software on multiple pcs?

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions.

Best regards 

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