I'm using ARIS Advance (Cloud) trial version, I'm trying to lunch ARIS Designer, followed by bellow setps...
a. Go to your username on the top right
b. Click on Download Clients
c. Click on Start
d. Once downloaded – click keep and on the downloaded file to start and click Open file. It will start to launch the ARIS. Log in with user credentials and click finish.
I have done with these steps, but in my case after open file it is not lunch the ARIS.
I'm getting error like...
Preparing unpacking of download client. Please wait...
Error unpacking 'client.zip'. Please check your IT environment (proxy, etc.) because the download may be blocked.
Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream
java.io.EOFException: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream
please anyone suggest me, what I'm doing wrong and how it resolve.
It seems that you jar file is not completed after download and will not launch the client.
Please try to open the browser using incognito mode and give a try, if you're using VPN in your office for example, try to don't use the VPN while do the download of Jar file.